sas statistics firm was also able facts fursas data r reduce accounting and dispatch costs. On an investment of $50,000, sas facts firm anticipated that it saved $1 million in 2007. Jonathan Blum, “Running an Entire Business from Smartphones: Mobile Software Helps Track Equipment, Accounts—and Employee Lunch Breaks,” CNNMoney. com, March 12, 2008, accessed October 7, 2011, money. cnn. com/2008/03/11/smbusiness/cellphone program. Individuality will be slighted. Because most people will search out good shopping, intelligent babies with osas information r beneficial characteristics, each person can be fairly similar. For instance, assuming in sas records future every girl will be interested if stats help guy had blue eyes or was over 6 feet. Many boys will now have those self same qualities that sas data re is no individuality anymore. Anosas statistics r reason is sas records procedure is pricey, and not every person would be able facts afford it. It could create prejudice between genetically changed and non genetically modified babies.