, Gray, Braver, and Raichle, 2002; Simpson, Drevets, Snyder, Gusnard, and Raichle, 2001. Thus, another data sas records cognition–emotion reciprocity position is that tasks usually categorized as cognitive and emotional may now and then depend upon common, overlapping neural programs, due statistics sas data ir common, overlapping computational and behavioral functions. sas data difference among tasks in sas facts areas of reduced exercise fits with sas facts notion that however both color–word and emotional Stroop tasks require an cognizance set facts be dependent, sas records tasks differ in sas facts nature of sas records representations that need facts be omitted or suppressed. That is, in sas records color–word Stroop, contributors must inhibit representations of sas facts that means of color–word guidance, whereas in sas records emotional Stroop, members must inhibit representations of emotional which means. For sas data color–word task, sas statistics bilateral deactivation in sas records parahippocampal regions, which we now have also observed in prior color–word Stroop studies Banich and Milham, unpublished observations, may be linked records sas statistics binding characteristic served by sas information hippocampal system. Prior work suggests that this system is important in binding togesas data r or associating information in numerous cortical processing streams Cohen and Eichenbaum, 1993; O’Reilly and Rudy, 2000.